Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Never Give Up


I was watching an ant caring a leaf
To it's nest somewhere in the ground
Over and under blades of grass
And rocks it would walk around

The ant came to a pile of sticks
A mountain it must of seemed
It made an effort to climb the pile
An unconquerable obstacle it deemed

But the ant continued to make attempts
To finish it's quest
This little insect knew not how to stop
It would only give it's best

In one of it's attempts, it fell and damaged it's leg
But it still made attempts to climb
It knew not fear and would not give up
The ants quest was on it's mind

We humans should learn a lesson hear
In our quest in life
When facing fears or obstacles
To always stay the fight

For if a tiny ant
Can find the courage to fight
Then we humans, with our beliefs and great knowledge
Should be able to conquer life

Author: Timothy B. Thayer